Conscious Matters ® Podcast

From depressed to blessed w/ NY Times bestselling author Jonathan Robinson

Melissa D. Barry / Jonathan Robinson Season 2022 Episode 26

We're back to talking about depression but from a lighter perspective. Who would have guessed that one of the worst period of your life could actually be a blessing in disguise? That's what I realized when I went through my own depression a few years back which eventually brought me to this path of awareness and this conscious lifestyle. That's also what - New York Times best seller author, recurring Oprah show guest, and the man who spent decades interviewing over 100 of the greatest spiritual leaders of our time to get their take on how to live a happy, peaceful, and meaningful life (including the Dalai Lama, Byron Katie, Oprah, Deepak Chopra, the late Mother Teresa, and Ram Dass) - Jonathan Robinson is writing about in this latest book "The Enlightenment project: How I went from depressed to blessed and you can too." In this episode, we discuss his 14th book, in which he shares over 50 spiritual methods and philosophies that really worked to overcome his depression and provided him with lasting inner peace - from mindfulness and depression to communication and personal transformation. 

Listen up to this gem,
Namaste listeners! 


GROW by learning about -

  • Enlightenment and the awakened state;
  • Meeting over 100 world-renowned spiritual teachers and being a recurring guest on the Oprah show;
  • Jonathan's journey toward writing his book: “The project enlightenment - from depressed to blessed and you can too";
  • The difference in impact between therapy/positive psychology and the mindfulness techniques he mentions in his book?
  • The correlation between the state of the world and the drastic rise of depression in the last 50 years;
  • Advice for the ones in the midst of depression or chronic anxiety  who want to get better and transform their current reality;
  • The "exploring attitude" to heal and find inner peace;
  • Meeting the Dalai Lama and Mother Teresa? 
  • And more ...


WITH Jonathan Robinson



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