Conscious Matters ® Podcast

Inner-self connection from a heart-centered approach w/ cardiologist Dr Madalina Petrescu

Melissa D. Barry Season 2023 Episode 34

There is no better time than the month of love to talk about the heart. The one that is responsible for making us feel and connect with self and others. The one that sometimes makes us think that it has a mind of its own, communicating messages to both our brain and our gut.  

To uncover the secrets or maybe the superpower of the heart, I’ll be discussing it with Dr. Madalina Petrescu, a leading cardiologist, also author, co-founder of HeartQ method, and practitioner of various conscious healing modalities with the heart at their center. 
She guides people to reconnect with their authentic selves and with the mission of activating our heart intelligence to live a heart-centered, aligned, and fulfilling life.

Listen up to this gem,
Namaste listeners! 


GROW by learning about -

  • What is heart intelligence;
  • The benefits of connecting to our hearts;
  • Accessing our inner through by activating our heart intelligence; 
  • The relationship between the "state of the heart" and the brain;
  • Shifting out of patterns of stress; 
  • How to reconnect with your authentic self;
  • Harmonizing heart & brain, feeling and thinking;
  • And more ...


WITH Madalina


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Unleash your heart 21-day program - Check it out here

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